Saturday, October 18, 2008


i dont knw whether it's d beer n whisky i had last nite but this morning i felt esp weary and tired. not only physically but mentally esp after having my daily doses of the online MSM and the political /civil right blogs.

if one is to compare what was written in the major dailies with the blogs and is not familiar with msia politics one will be left wondering whether msia has a dual identity. there is a msia for the current political master and there is another msia for social / political bloggers.

for the current political master - msia is in the best of health. there is mininal corruption, the politician are doing all the right thing, the rakyat is happy and have enough money to spend, lingam tape is a figment of the imagination of some crook. and the rakyat shd be awed and be grateful and kiss the feet of the people who walk the corridors of the power becos they have done so much for us.

on the other hand, the blogs will detail out the excesses of the government, the corrupted politician, the highest civil servant and the picture potrayed collectively by all these blog is a not too rosy for the rakyat future.

the major dailies does not have any insighful news that can enlighten common folks like us on what's really happening in the country - politically and economically. most time they just report on crime that will leave one wondering what is the police doing with their time, beside springing on opposition politican.

and when the current group of politician make any press statement they will only say all is well and not to worry they got everything under control.

on the other hand, some of the politically inclined blogs provide so much more information on the political misadventures of the government to the extent that left me, a joe public bewildered.

and this is what wearies me.

is some of our leaders so doggone? is most of the leaders so corrupted as implied in some of the blogs? is most of our leaders so clueless on the hardship the rakyat is facing?

with accusations on misappropriation / mismanagement flying left right and center - why is there no sane authorities doing anything? Or is some of the political /civil blogs out there merely theorizing or spinning negative stories?

it is just too difficult for joe public like myself to digest.

what had happened?

i dont know. but one thing i know for sure is our basic neccesities prices are rising but my salary is not. some of my friends businesses are floundering becos of rising cost but the government continue to spend on irrelevant projects.

i am so tired and weary. when oh when will i be able to move away from this twilight zone?

who is right and who is wrong?

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