Saturday, October 11, 2008

Leaders? Administrator or Managers?

Much has been commented pertain Najib statement on Thurs that goes like this:

KUALA TERENGGANU: The people should reject vehemently any forms of unruly and indecent behaviour manifested by certain quarters against the country’s leaders.

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the Government does not want such behaviour to become the norm because it could undermine the unity and security in the country.

“If there are quarters with ulterior motives who don’t understand the basic tendency of courtesy, being rude and refraining from respecting the leaders, the people must reject them as this kind of behaviour cannot become the norm,” he said Thursday.....

There are two things that come to mind,

1: Respect - you dont ask to be respected - people will respect you only when you through your action "earn" their respect over time.

2: Leaders - a definition from business dictionary has this to say; In its essence, leadership in an organizational role involves (1) establishing a clear vision, (2) sharing (communicating) that vision with others so that they will follow willingly, (3) providing the information, knowledge, and methods to realize that vision, and (4) coordinating and balancing the conflicting interests of all members or stakeholders. A leader comes to the forefront in case of crisis, and is able to think and act in creative ways in difficult situations. Unlike management, leadership flows from the core of a personality and cannot be taught, although it may be learnt and may be enhanced through coaching or mentoring.

Just becos a person is given a cabinet post doesnt automatically qualifies him to be a leader. A leader must have integrity and be able to lead their people to great achievenments.

Has any of the current BN MP shown such calibre? I dont think so.

Our current crops of so call leader are leader only becos of their given position and not becos they have exhibit integrity in their work nor becos they have any vision to lead the rakyat and the country to greater heights.

For a good example of leadership we dont need to look far, I would say TDM is a leader despite his flaws in some area.

At best our current batch of Minister can only be call Managers or Administrator but leaders?... long way to go.... If Najib have said that the rakyat should respect the office of these people that I may agree more.

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