Monday, October 13, 2008

A lesson for our MPs

In the online edition of the headline jumps out at you "Theophanous steps down over police investigation"

This is what Mr Theophanous said in his press statement - "I feel strongly that if a minister is the subject of a full complaint which is being investigated by the police, he or she should stand down until the matter is cleared up," he said. .. "For this reason, I spoke to the Premier this afternoon and informed him that I would be temporarily standing aside as Minister until this issue is resolved..."

Now that is integrity as a public servant. That is transparency in making a public statement even though the police has not make known the allegations against him. Now whether the police has any dirt on him now does not matter yet... but at least Mr Theophanous has responded responsibly..

And in Malaysia? A police report against the AG and the IGP was make alleging impropriety in some cases - but these dude is still carrying on business as if nothing happen.

Hello!?? Any of you or our MP / Minister reading the

Those that have investigation files open on them whether from the ACA or the Police - YOU GET D MESSAGE? YOU KNOW THE APPROPRIATE THING TO DO?

erh.. anybody HOME up there??? or no speaki inglis?

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