Friday, October 31, 2008

Free or Installment Plan?

There was this advert on screaming "Subscribe to Streamyx Basic for only RM99 per month and get a FREE PC".

wow! a FREE PC? Standard Streamyx charge RM99 for 1MB with modem -if I sign up I get a FREE COMPAQ? that's a good deal -no?

Well - I click on the advert which leads me to HP Compaq website.

Again - the advert is there "Kick start your ride into the future with TM Streamyx! Sign up the Streamyx 1.0 Mbps today at only RM99 per month and get a FREE Desktop so that you can surf, download and connect instantly! That's right, a FREE Desktop! So, hurry and don't miss out this great offer."

The footnote in the picture tell u as much - 0% INTEREST INSTALMENT PLAN FOR UP TO 24 MONTHS" (yes they missed an L in the "instalment " )

You click on the More Infor and it will ask you to download a FORM to be submitted to HP.

And this is some of the T&C for the so call FREE PC:

1: This promotion is applicable to new personal application and only to qualified Malaysian credit cardholders (Visa or MasterCard) of the participating banks.
3: Customer must subscribe for this promotion through interest free installment scheme of 24 mon
ths offered by the participating banks.

So You must have a Credit Card and must pay for 24 months. And now look at this T&C:

(ii) HP PC Packages includes:
• The PC package is only applicable if customers complete the minimum subscription period of 24 months. PC package which do not conform to the 24 months subscription period shall be
excluded from this offer and the Customer is liable for the cost of the PC as shall be determined by TM

Note the word "Installment/Subscription period". According to the T&C buyers are "tied-in" for the next 24month for RM99 which means we are paying RM2376...

I am confused. Since when is an installment/subscription plan equals to FREE???

FREE PC as advertised by any definition would mean that if I sign up for Streamyx - pay Telekom the relevant charges and I should be entitled for the Free PC. But no, look at this T&C"

During this 24-month period, the bank will charge the monthly installment in the customersí credit card account. Thereafter, TM will charge customers automatically the Streamyx monthly subscription fee by issuing the Streamyx bill. TM reserves the right to determine the charges from time to time

That means for the first 24th month I am not paying for my streamyx connection but is paying either the credit card company or HP and only after the 24th month Streamyx will start charging me the monthly bill - either way - I AM DEFINITELY NOT GETTING THE PC FREE! darn it!

If there is anything free for the first 24th month it is my streamyx connection.

How misleading and mischievios can the advertisement be?

Just to be sure I called HP and the rep told me - it is free! you only pay RM99 installment per month for the next 24th month... blah blah blah...

Am I blur or is that rep sotong or what?

If I am paying them 24th month of installment - am I PAYING or am I getting it FOR F-KING FREE????

What kind of distorted freaking logic is that?

Saturday, October 18, 2008


i dont knw whether it's d beer n whisky i had last nite but this morning i felt esp weary and tired. not only physically but mentally esp after having my daily doses of the online MSM and the political /civil right blogs.

if one is to compare what was written in the major dailies with the blogs and is not familiar with msia politics one will be left wondering whether msia has a dual identity. there is a msia for the current political master and there is another msia for social / political bloggers.

for the current political master - msia is in the best of health. there is mininal corruption, the politician are doing all the right thing, the rakyat is happy and have enough money to spend, lingam tape is a figment of the imagination of some crook. and the rakyat shd be awed and be grateful and kiss the feet of the people who walk the corridors of the power becos they have done so much for us.

on the other hand, the blogs will detail out the excesses of the government, the corrupted politician, the highest civil servant and the picture potrayed collectively by all these blog is a not too rosy for the rakyat future.

the major dailies does not have any insighful news that can enlighten common folks like us on what's really happening in the country - politically and economically. most time they just report on crime that will leave one wondering what is the police doing with their time, beside springing on opposition politican.

and when the current group of politician make any press statement they will only say all is well and not to worry they got everything under control.

on the other hand, some of the politically inclined blogs provide so much more information on the political misadventures of the government to the extent that left me, a joe public bewildered.

and this is what wearies me.

is some of our leaders so doggone? is most of the leaders so corrupted as implied in some of the blogs? is most of our leaders so clueless on the hardship the rakyat is facing?

with accusations on misappropriation / mismanagement flying left right and center - why is there no sane authorities doing anything? Or is some of the political /civil blogs out there merely theorizing or spinning negative stories?

it is just too difficult for joe public like myself to digest.

what had happened?

i dont know. but one thing i know for sure is our basic neccesities prices are rising but my salary is not. some of my friends businesses are floundering becos of rising cost but the government continue to spend on irrelevant projects.

i am so tired and weary. when oh when will i be able to move away from this twilight zone?

who is right and who is wrong?

Monday, October 13, 2008

A lesson for our MPs

In the online edition of the headline jumps out at you "Theophanous steps down over police investigation"

This is what Mr Theophanous said in his press statement - "I feel strongly that if a minister is the subject of a full complaint which is being investigated by the police, he or she should stand down until the matter is cleared up," he said. .. "For this reason, I spoke to the Premier this afternoon and informed him that I would be temporarily standing aside as Minister until this issue is resolved..."

Now that is integrity as a public servant. That is transparency in making a public statement even though the police has not make known the allegations against him. Now whether the police has any dirt on him now does not matter yet... but at least Mr Theophanous has responded responsibly..

And in Malaysia? A police report against the AG and the IGP was make alleging impropriety in some cases - but these dude is still carrying on business as if nothing happen.

Hello!?? Any of you or our MP / Minister reading the

Those that have investigation files open on them whether from the ACA or the Police - YOU GET D MESSAGE? YOU KNOW THE APPROPRIATE THING TO DO?

erh.. anybody HOME up there??? or no speaki inglis?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Leaders? Administrator or Managers?

Much has been commented pertain Najib statement on Thurs that goes like this:

KUALA TERENGGANU: The people should reject vehemently any forms of unruly and indecent behaviour manifested by certain quarters against the country’s leaders.

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the Government does not want such behaviour to become the norm because it could undermine the unity and security in the country.

“If there are quarters with ulterior motives who don’t understand the basic tendency of courtesy, being rude and refraining from respecting the leaders, the people must reject them as this kind of behaviour cannot become the norm,” he said Thursday.....

There are two things that come to mind,

1: Respect - you dont ask to be respected - people will respect you only when you through your action "earn" their respect over time.

2: Leaders - a definition from business dictionary has this to say; In its essence, leadership in an organizational role involves (1) establishing a clear vision, (2) sharing (communicating) that vision with others so that they will follow willingly, (3) providing the information, knowledge, and methods to realize that vision, and (4) coordinating and balancing the conflicting interests of all members or stakeholders. A leader comes to the forefront in case of crisis, and is able to think and act in creative ways in difficult situations. Unlike management, leadership flows from the core of a personality and cannot be taught, although it may be learnt and may be enhanced through coaching or mentoring.

Just becos a person is given a cabinet post doesnt automatically qualifies him to be a leader. A leader must have integrity and be able to lead their people to great achievenments.

Has any of the current BN MP shown such calibre? I dont think so.

Our current crops of so call leader are leader only becos of their given position and not becos they have exhibit integrity in their work nor becos they have any vision to lead the rakyat and the country to greater heights.

For a good example of leadership we dont need to look far, I would say TDM is a leader despite his flaws in some area.

At best our current batch of Minister can only be call Managers or Administrator but leaders?... long way to go.... If Najib have said that the rakyat should respect the office of these people that I may agree more.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Why does some bank charge RM2 to photo-copy our documents so that they can complete our application?

Why cant I take out my FD from another branch of the same bank when modern bank have implemented the best financial system to streamline their back-end operations?

Why is there a limit to the funds I can transfer between banks when the money belongs to me?

Why do bank impose a charge for our request to print out our statements?

In the case of fraudulent withdrawal over ATM - why banks say they will not be held responsible?

Notices are paste every where near all ATM to say that Please Do Not Reveal Your Pin Number to anyone or let anyone see your pin number - but why then is the ATM screen getting bigger and there are no cover at the keypad where we are suppose to key in our PIN?

Why is there no consumer group in Malaysia looking into the interest of small consumer like myself and ask these banks to stop all this unfair practices?