Friday, August 08, 2008

Perplexing Statements from the Home Ministry

Friday August 8, 2008 - Syed Hamid: Saiful not charged because he is key witness..

someone committed a crime - intentionally. Then due to some reason, maybe a fall-out with his partners he go a make a police report about the crime.

The police chose not to charge him for committing the crime and instead make him a key witness.

Ok - let's say all his partner is convicted and send to jail for that crime and this squealer got away scot free with the loot.

If this squealer is an enterprise individual he can go on and form another partnership with another group of criminals - plan and commit the crime - and then go to the police and make another report and ask to be a star witness so that he can get away scot free, get to keep his loot and continue his happy journey.

is that how it works? is that what the Home Minister is implying?

I read about criminals turning key witnesses esp cases from the mafia era and the HK triads - some of this so call key witnesses seemed to be actually moles planted by the government while some are real but whichever the case NONE of them took the initiative to walk in to the police station and report the crime which they actively participated!!


anyway, for wannabe key witnesses - dont try this in your homeland becos it only works in malaysia.

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