Thursday, August 28, 2008

Permatang Pauh

I salute the people power of PP in sending DSAI to parliament once again.

I sincerely hope he will deliver on his promises of better governance and I sincerely hope he is the real mccoy in leading Msia towards a new era of growth, integrity and transparency in governance based on meritocracy and technocracy.

And I also hope he has plans to deal with the regime next move - whatever it be.

There is still the DNA Bill - and the sodomy case hanging over his head.

What if the AG Dept n Police n now the ACA is able to pin something on DSAI?

Whither Pakatan Rakyat then?

Whither the peoples' aspiration for a better tomorrow for Malaysia then?

While I am ecstatic that DSAI won at the same time I am also worry about the uncertainty.

But fight on we must. Must never give up no matter what.


Maverick SM said...

Pak Lah said he will do something to ensure PR MPs will hop to BN.

Unknown said...

really? hmm...