Thursday, November 04, 2004

Coffee Talk...

Overheard in a mamak stall.

guy 1: Another landslide in the paper. sigh*

guy 2: ya-lo. How pitiful. Lucky no one got hurt.

guy 1: how come this semi-value still refuse to resign-ah? no accountability for his ineffectiveness. still adamant to hang on in office..time to give his seat to someone more capable-ma.

guy 2: ai-yoh. u really-ah. if u dont knw dont say-lah..

guy 1: what? what do u mean? i'm wrong in asking this semi-value to step down? after all the infrastructure failure fiasco? any right thinking responsible dude would have bowed out and accept his own failure!

guy 2: think deeper, my friend. I ask u. Who is really in charge behind the scene? who has the ultimate power in all this political sandiwara between the main political parties?

guy 1: eh...

guy 2: u see! u see! u talk only without analysis..let me tell u - the real power is the main party that holds the most seat. let me ask u again. how do minister get their seats?

guy 1: eh, allocated by the BN head, i think.

guy 2: no need to think-la this time - of course the minister seats was allocated by the BN head.. let me give u an example. if u got promoted by your manager - beside performing your job function, do u also take into consideration your boss whims n fancy.

guy 1: dont think so..

guy 2: ya, dont bullshit-lah. but anyway, u never work for a corporation b4 so u wont understand the political undercurrent of a firm and the power of the grapevine and how the people wanted to pander up to the boss..

my humble analysis of the situation is like this. the PM though weilding the ultimate power also got his own legions of whisperer and supporter who he need to return favors. otherwise why do u think the supporter supports the power that be?

guy 1: aiyah, simple - for some fringe benefits or mayb they like the man. who knows?

guy 2: u got the first one right. so if u r close to the center of power and is a known supporter - what do u think people not in the center of power perception is when they meet u?

guy 1: i know-man, i never even met any of them. they so high up big cars whizz here whizz there...makan also air-cond place..

guy 2: aiyah, cut the bulls-lah. let me explain. generally, the people outside of the center of the power tend to kow-tow a bit to the people inside the circle of the power. so if u r one frm the inside of the power and u talk to one from outside of the power about u wanting to do something, eh, let's say want to be involve in the building of a road, in all probability somehow your nominated proxy will be involved in that road construction very soon.

Now, most of the time proxy are developed from scratch at the eleventh hour thus their domain knowledge is lacking in certain field so the only option for them when a job drop from the sky (or somewhere up there...) is to sub the job to an A company let's say Ahmad Co.

On the other hand, Ahmad Co. may also lack the necessary support and skills to finish the job so they in turn have to sub it to MAniam Co and some how it landed on the feet of A Chong Co and finally the job is being executed by a certain Imran, a self style supervisor of a group of indons who have previuosly worked in some brick laying projects somewhere in KL. And so, my friend, the rest is history.

guy 1: wa-liao! u really analytical-eh... what a pity u dont become the editor of our newspapers.. spin very fantastic tales..he..he..he...

guy 1: but seriously, u r saying that even though semi-value is in charge of the office he is actually powerless to determine where and to whom the contract goes to becos the process is very much pre-determined by the people inside the circle of power?

guy 2: well, up to u to interpret-loh. i'm just conjecturing - a personal opinion, may not hold water but logic will tell us that if a job is being done by real professionals with proven track record - the failure rate will be sub zero. But in order for real professionals to be involved, we need to have transparent tendering and procurement systems - which our PM is trying to address. but then that is another story altogether...

with that the 2 guys pay their drinks and went off for another round of rubbish collection....

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