Monday, November 08, 2004

Are police doing enough?

IN YOUR report, “Senseless death”, (The Star, Nov 2), you highlighted yet another tragic death of a victim of snatch theft.

What has become of the security of our nation? What proactive steps have our police taken to ensure the security of the people whom they pledge to serve?

Please do not blame it on the lack of police personnel again. The nation is tired of listening to excuses and the shifting of blame.

When we have landslides, new highways with structural problems, the minister in charge conveniently shifts the blame to the working of nature and the incompetence of the contractors.

When our crime rates increase, the police blame it on a lack of public cooperation in giving information or a lack of manpower.

When will the relevant authorities care enough to take responsibility and be accountable?

Instead of blaming others, can they proactively keep the public informed of what they have done to ensure public safety and security?

Have the police done any research on why the number of snatch theft cases is on the rise and why snatch thieves are getting more violent?

What are the proactive steps the police have taken to minimise snatch thefts?

We need people who understand the value of accountability, research and planning.

We do not need bureaucrats who are slow, blame shifters and quick to shoot the messenger.

Posted in the Star Nov 3rd 2004

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