Friday, October 29, 2004

Why do newspaper have to report events based on religion and not on the contending issue on hand?

In this commentary from BBC Monitoring we can sample the reporting style of the regional newspaper.

Utusan Msia is the most blatant in using religion in their reporting as can be seen from their comment "for Muslims in southern Thailand, the latest incident has once again aroused their anger towards the government, which has so far been seen as discriminating against Muslims concerning development and the economy".

Do we categorise a person, regardless of his country of origin based on religion or based on his citizenship? In another word do we categorise someone from America or UK as a Christian or an American or a British?

Coming back to the report, the discontent in Southern Thai is because they felt that the main governtment is not looking into their welfare and for that they wanted secession. (of course, part of their reason is also due to historical delineation of the place, so their claim is not based entirely on the economical development factor.)

Having said that, the majority people living in that part happens to be of the religion Islam, thus they have always been categorised as the Muslim states as opposed to the Buddhist state of the rest of Thailand.

But based on that alone, we cant argue that the Muslims wanted secession instead we should say that the people of so and so state wanted secession from so and so state becos of.....If we put it this way life would be a lot less complicated becos then we would know the reason that so and so state wanted a secession is becos of these reason and not becos they are muslims or christians etc.

And why dont we want to say that the Muslims wanted secession?

Reason is simple. After 911, the world is further divided into religious line - in the form of Christian and Muslims countries. This division is causing a lot of antagonist between the 2 religion and in the process is dividing the people of the world.

And when we talk about religion many people tend to get overly emotional - for one reason or another and their normally rational judgement will be clouded. To add fuel to fire, we have in this world a certain species of human beings that does not like peace, that is greedy for power, egoistical, manical, fanatical and unfortunately these people was born with the charisma to incite unrest in common decent people.

However, if we are to step back, take a deep breathe and try to acknowledge the fact that nobody, no one race alone, owned the so call their religion per se - and further acknowlege the fact that we are all human beings though different in cultures, skin color and way of life - then we deal with each other as peers and not as christians, muslims and what nots - isnt life gonna be less complicating?

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