Thursday, October 28, 2004

Our PM called for the National Integrity Plan (NIP)committee to study the government's procurement system in order to raise the country's standing in the Corruption Perception Index, is timely - if not a little too late.

But before the NIP committee began their undertakings the first thing they should do is ask one of the "minister" committee member by the name of Datuk Samy to put into practise the spirit of setting up the NIP in the first place, which if I am not mistaken listed its priorities as reducing corruption, enhancing corporate governance and business ethics. ( Oct 28th)

All that the long serving minister need to do is to disclose the findings of the MRR2 issue,(as well as other issues like landslide, the North West highway structural issues, the smart school roof collapse initiate a debate about it in parliament to brainstorm for ways and means on how not to repeat such dire mistakes and restructure his ministry to inculcate the values of integrity, accountability, corporate governance and transparency.

There are 2 type of restructuring - one is transformation and the other transitioning.

Generally, transformation involved drastic and painful changes for the good of the company or any public offices found to be dying from a cancerous growth of ineptitude due to apathy or gangrene for having sat too long in one place and of failing in discharging the duties of the public office which is to serve the public with integrity.

The first thing to do in such restructuring exercise is to control the outbreak of the cancer (or the cashflow) by performing an operation on the growth and cutting it out.

Translation: remove the head, assign a committee members of less than 3 people (preferably professionals from the private sectors which has never dealt with any public officials before) to be the team leader to redo the SOP, relook into the workflow, plug all the leakages etc.

Like the aftermath of an earthquake, most if not all structure needs to be rebuilt either from scratch or from what's left after the quake.

A lot of resistance is to be expected especially near the cancerous growth area - a radius of 20km from the contaminated area may also be already infected with this symptom of ineptitude due to apathy as such all need to be screened thoroughly to ascertain their fitness for duties.

Normally transformation takes about 1 to 1 half years plus many body counts to see results but if that is for the better for the public, isnt it time well spend?

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