Sunday, June 22, 2003

The National Service Programme is a grand idea borne out by some politicians who rightly deduce that unity and patroticism is lacking in today youth or should I say malaysians?

The proposed 3 months training period of which 1 month will be on camping stint and 2 months of hostels living.

The main component in the national service curriculum are:-
1:Basic military training.
2:Nation and character building
3:Social Service.
(for further infor refer to The Star Paper June 14th 2003 Headlines.)

The aim of this program is to enhance patriotism and to promote national unity as quoted by Defence Minister Datuk Seri Najib.(The Star Paper June 14th 2003)

I am not an enlighten politician who have all the statistics in their disposal but going by what the program offers it sounds more like a 3 months Adventure Program where you are taught about living in a camp, using woods fire to cook your own food in basic cooking utensils.

Of course there will be team building games, treasures hunt, songs and trivias. And yes, each morning before we embarked on our programs everyone will have to "fall-in" raise the Malaysian flag, sing the national anthem and go through 2 hours of basic drill...kiri-kanan-kiri-kanan....

I went thru all this when I was in the St John Ambulance in my Form 1 - Form 5 life. Is it enjoyable? Yes indeed and I learnt a lot about team work, living in the outdoors and of course discipline.

There is another organisation which have all these programmes and more and that is the Scouts. Every other year they will have a big Jamboree where Scouts from different countries converge, camped together and learnt new things from each other.

Of course, there is the Hatch Club and the Outbound School and the......

Now, what is so different about our National Service Program which incidentally is not about preparing fellow MAlaysians to defense the conuntry? (Our Army, especially the Commandos 69 are well known over S.E.Asia -- who needs conscript with them around..)

What's so big deal about the 3 main components of the program that the government need to spend and initial RM500 million or more? (estimation make by our esteem former Opposition Leader Mr Lim Kit Siang the bill could add up to RM35Billion.)

From my view, there is nothig in the National Service Program main components which our existing school dont already have -- albeit not in the same name.

In schools we join clubs and orginsation and participates in the programs laid out -- that by itself is already nation building abd in the clubs we have all walks of life, now isnt this national unity?

If there is really no patrotism or national unity as percieved by some politician, then the best move forward should be in taking a long hard look at the human resources perspective when hiring for Deans, Lecturers, teachers, headmasters etc..

A comprehensive plan on revamping our education system especially in the higher education sector ( where most polarity is reported ) should be undertaken -- and that my dear politician is a well spend RM500mil.

Some of the things that need to be done is to interview the students from our university to understand about the problems they faced, conduct checks on some of the administration staffs of the university for their leaning on political issues, hire more liberals or at least staffs who are able to accept constructive cristicsm for growth, encourage an open minded style of adminstration where students are free to debate and voice their 2 cents worth without being censure etc.

Well, all being said, please relook into the Bill -- we are not an autocratic negera as was pointed out so often by our PM to foreigners -- remove Clause 29-- patriotism and national unity cannot be forced or coerced therefore there is no need for such a draconinan piece of rule.

If you want people to particpate, make the program sound more interesting -- How about calling it, The National Training Adventure?

While we are at it, Datuk Seri, please keep to your word that this Program will only affect 18 years old -- remove Clause 3.

Pulling in working people, especially in the late 20's and 30's group will affect our national productivity unnecessary since we are in no immediate danger of being infiltrated by external forces, oops! have I forgotten? Afterall, this program is not about national defense!

Before I end, one last piece of ranting, despite all I said, I am not unpatriotic neither am I trying to discourage this program, on the other hand it is because I love my country that is why I AM RANTING!!

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