Monday, June 23, 2003

I have always respected Datuk Chan KC. During the MCA fracas he has lied low, maybe because he is a behind the scene man but whatever, my respect for him is he threw less mud than the rest.

But I have to disagree on his speech about "Chinese must work with other races."

Maybe I am mistaken but I thought all this while the chinese has always been too happy to work with anyone who has a viable business proposal that can be translated into a win-win situation. (maybe at times the "win" situation is leaning more towards the other party but hey, who's complaining, we are not a greedy lot!)

Today MCA should be thinking about regaining their lost "chi", not to worry too much about how the chinese should work with other races. Our history of adaptability in any countries in the world is good testament of our ability to work with any race in the world.

But working together doesnt mean we dont compete -- hey, we have to compete even if we work together in the same office. Competition is good for growth - all these years we have always been competing - we compete for a share of the market, weaving betwen the rules set by the other team, we compete with our neighbor next door -- buying the latest Honda or BMW, we compete with our family -- buying the best present for our father and so on and forth.

Today, I dare say Malaysian Chinese businessman is well known over the world for our innovation which I strongly believe was borne out of our competitive nature.

So, Datuk dont worry about us not being able to work with the other races -- let's focus on something much more important.

For a start, Let's keep MCA strong . Over the years this so call Chinese representative organisation dont seemed to have done much to voice our concern. Over the years, our political strengths and economical power seemed to have deteriorated -- so much so that some of our fellow chinese can be branded as communist in public without any retribution. (retribution here doesnt mean violent. We have always be a diplomatic race..) Someone once threaten to burnt down the Chinese Hall and what did the MCA do?

Well, that's history and there's nothing we can do to change history. But we can, starting with our new President and your good self today, rebuild our past glory.

Let's unite the Chinese (not for the purpose of fighting each other or fighting others..) let us build our economic strength -- to benefit all the chinese not only the people in the rich man club aka MCA.

Let us grow our membership honestly so that we will become relevant again in the political arena -- let us get in more professionals who can offer real ideas for growth for the chinese community -- let us impress on our chinese brothers that when we say united we stand we really mean united we stand and not united we stand but I stand on you first.

Maybe I am asking for too much, but I really hope that with the new line up at the top our community can once again rise back to our former glory and economical strength. Or am I asking for too much?

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