Friday, June 27, 2003

In The Straits Times Sporeyesterday (Thurs, 26th June) it was reported that Datuk Seri Abdullah speech during the UMNO general assembly was peppered with verses from the Quran and that this is an indication that he is ready to fight PAS on their turf so as to win more votes.

I dont know who is Datuk Seri strategist but he ought to be sack and be ask to join the National Service Program to relearn the Art of Warfare Strategem all over again. (opps! do they teach the art of war in National Service?? hmmm...the last time i check it sounds more like a scouts gathering minus the firepower, that is. Anyway...)

No doubt PAS is an Islamic party and have always trumpeted the Islamic state ideology for awhile but they have never been a major threat to the BN coalition before, have they? Until that is when the omnipotent, omnipresence great one declared that his deputy is such and such that disgusted so many simple folks who just wanna earn a decent living that all these simple folks simply decided on one fine day that enuf is enuf and since simple folks voices are never meant to be heard the alternative for them is to make their action heard by giving the votes to another party.

However, pls bear in mind that that is the mother of all tornados that set things into motion becos b4 d mother of all tournados arrive there have always been small thunderstorm happening that actually shake the very pillar of livelihood of the simple people but since it is but just a small thunderstorm and since they are but just simple folks they have no choice but to let the storm ride over and all they could do is to shake their head, take a big sigh and continue with life...

But the mother of all questions that have to be asked and answer is -- is it really that Malaysians in general has become so religious all of a sudden that the secular government has to also become religious and outdo its populations or at least certain very small percentage of a population?

Or is there something else which the Datuk Seri strategist fails to see or refuse to acknowledge and that is in actuality what is irking the simple folks and irking them so much that this simple folks may just choose to give more votes to the other side again?

Taking the enemy in the enemy turf requires not only indepth review of your internal strength but also you must know whether that is the ultimate solutions which can ensure your victory. Dont suffer the disillusionment that you can live Julius Ceaser famous saying of "I come, I see, I conquer" . JC know what he wants to do and importantly who his enemy you? Only thing i can say is PAS is defintely not the "real" enemy neither is the general populations. (no prize for the correct guess .... )

The government has always been a secular government and that has always been the branding and that is what makes it attractive but if you want to rebrand your famous brand please learn a lesson from a chapter in COKE history and why they lost tremendous market share to Pepsi.

And if you still think that by out-religious thy neighbor will bring you back more votes I can only wish you go luck and pray hard!

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