Saturday, March 21, 2015

Why No Tweet From IGP

Question well asked YB. (Why no tweet on threats against BFM journalist, DAP asks Khalid - See more at:

My take on the current situation.

Majority of Pakatan leaders are harping on the economy and is fighting impending arrest.
Majority of UMNO leaders are trying to fends of the attack by giving frivolous illogical reason
Majority of MCA leaders are trying to bite at the heels of any pakatan folks they can chase after esp DAP
Majority of MIC is leaders are still at each other throats
Majority of Gerakan leaders are.... are.. where are they again?
Majority of PAS leaders are happily getting girls all wrapped up to look like Arabs, talk like Arabs but is not arabs
Majority of the Police are deployed to surround houses of opposition leaders or arresting them
Mr IGP is busy tweeting

Facts - thugs on motorcycles armed with parang slashes victims and robbing. Crazies threatening to rape woman. Victim who fought off arm robbers faces possible death penalty while arm robbers who slash victims are still free to roam and slash more victims. Gangs are blowing each other heads off. (after most of their heads enemy heads are off - would it be ours soon?)

Question - since all so call law makers are busy with macro events and IGP is busy tweeting to arrest lawfully elected law makers - who is left to defend common folks like you and me from the current onslaught parang wielding motorcycle thugs?

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