Thursday, August 28, 2008

Permatang Pauh

I salute the people power of PP in sending DSAI to parliament once again.

I sincerely hope he will deliver on his promises of better governance and I sincerely hope he is the real mccoy in leading Msia towards a new era of growth, integrity and transparency in governance based on meritocracy and technocracy.

And I also hope he has plans to deal with the regime next move - whatever it be.

There is still the DNA Bill - and the sodomy case hanging over his head.

What if the AG Dept n Police n now the ACA is able to pin something on DSAI?

Whither Pakatan Rakyat then?

Whither the peoples' aspiration for a better tomorrow for Malaysia then?

While I am ecstatic that DSAI won at the same time I am also worry about the uncertainty.

But fight on we must. Must never give up no matter what.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Pak Lah and commuter train

It was reported on thestar online that "PM quietly takes public transport to experience commuters’ problems".

Thank you Mr PM for taking time off your hectic schedule to try to understand how much hassle common folks like us need to get thru when we take public transport to work.

But sir, what took you so long? And what measures will be taken to improve the public transport infrastructure? Or is it going to be another of your great promises that will not see the day - ?

Anyway u are right when you say this - “I just saw the plight of people using the trains to get to work every morning. They were jostling to get on board every time a train arrived. There appeared to be no system.

The thing is There never was any system for our public transportation! If there was - we will never have the need for Proton cars isnt it?

Our train or LRT system have always operated in silo since inception. It was widely documented in blogs about the not so integrated LRT Msians have becos the contract of building it has to be awarded to a few different parties whose sole interest is to recoup their investment not to facilate the creation of a world class transport infrastructure for the PEOPLE. - maybe u have not heard this one-eh.. since only today you "saw the plight of the people".... where have u been sir?

And yes Mr PM - you are right about the "there's no queue - " part. Apparently commuters in KL dont believe in queues. Not for train and not for bus.

But in train station and LRT which is easier to control - why cant they have station master who will ensure that commuter queue up? Why dont they put in educational materials and make periodic announcement over the air to ask patrons to queue?

But then again - have a look at this pix courtesy of thestar online. Isnt that the yellow line fellow passengers are stepping over? And our PM is smiling for the camera....

Friday, August 08, 2008

Perplexing Statements from the Home Ministry

Friday August 8, 2008 - Syed Hamid: Saiful not charged because he is key witness..

someone committed a crime - intentionally. Then due to some reason, maybe a fall-out with his partners he go a make a police report about the crime.

The police chose not to charge him for committing the crime and instead make him a key witness.

Ok - let's say all his partner is convicted and send to jail for that crime and this squealer got away scot free with the loot.

If this squealer is an enterprise individual he can go on and form another partnership with another group of criminals - plan and commit the crime - and then go to the police and make another report and ask to be a star witness so that he can get away scot free, get to keep his loot and continue his happy journey.

is that how it works? is that what the Home Minister is implying?

I read about criminals turning key witnesses esp cases from the mafia era and the HK triads - some of this so call key witnesses seemed to be actually moles planted by the government while some are real but whichever the case NONE of them took the initiative to walk in to the police station and report the crime which they actively participated!!


anyway, for wannabe key witnesses - dont try this in your homeland becos it only works in malaysia.