Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Reasoning from the Neanderthals

From the star paper online edition: Proposal to punish non-Muslims for khalwat...

"Muslims are sentenced in Syariah courts ... but we don't have the jurisdiction to sentence non-Muslims," Syariah Court of Appeal Judge Datuk Mohd Asri Abdullah said at a seminar on reviewing Syariah laws organised by Ikim and the department.

"Their non-Muslim partners can probably be sentenced in the civil courts, to be fair to both parties," he told reporters after closing the two-day seminar on Wednesday.

How in the world can you be "fair to both parties" when you are imposing your belief unto others???

Besides, when two persons are in love they are in love as human beings NOT as Muslim, Christian or Buddhist! or maybe u are different.

Jeez! What is wrong with this people? Which era did they come from? Reading such arrogant and moronic statement really pissed me off no end...argh......!!!!!!!


Maverick SM said...

Brian, Ikim denied the statement and claimed the Star misreported.

Unknown said...

yes read abt it, mav. prb the chief want to distance himself from such unconstitutional comments.

but i dnt believe it wasnt proposed. if star really misreported Ikim should take action - ask for an apology for putting Ikim in a bad light.