Tuesday, April 01, 2008

DAP - another cisis?

First it is the Chili Padi Fong Po Kuan who at the last minute of the PRU12 announce that she wont be recontesting her Batu Gajah constituency. A few frantic calls from the DAP leadership later she changed her mind.

Now DAP is faced with yet another dissatisfied member who after being voted in as the Buntong state rep wanted to resign because he felt that indians are not proportionally represented in the Perak state exco line up.

In Selangor - Sungai Pinang assemblyperson Teng Chang Khim a veteran opposition figure was left out of the Selangor state exco.

What's up DAP? Are you shutting out your own people voices? Is there a growing rumble in your fold?

Isnt there a mechanism in the DAP internal structure for disgruntled members especially the nominated people representative to voice their dissatisfaction to the central committee or even to the party secretary general or the party advisor directly thereby averting a public hue and cry over an issue which can be solve internally?

On the other hand, the character and integrity of these two DAP rep left a lot to be desired, with the exception of Teng who has shown his political maturity by not throwing a public tantrum despite not being nominated to the Selangor Exco and despite the article by RPK of malaysia-today castigating him for refusing to wear a songkok (which of course Teng clarified is not the case) to have an audience with the Selangor Sultan.

Of course, based on democratic principle anyone can publicly declared their stand on any issue but if you are a nominated people representative based on a certain political party backing is it right or even ethical to make a public announcement, in the process creating confusion to the public, before you have even exhausted all internal revenue to seek redress to your purported grievances?

Having said that I am not suggesting that we follow the autocratic way of the BN where dissent voices are punished - the fact that Fong and Siva can actually come out publicly and make outlandish announcement without consultation with the DAP leadership and is not being punished and reprimanded publicly is prove that DAP is practicing open dialogue within its rank and file or it could also mean that DAP has very weak control over its members.

However, i am saddened by the myopic view of the Buntong state rep because he is totally missing the forest from the trees!

For decades DAP have been touting Malaysian Malaysia so when this Buntong state rep says that he is unhappy because there is only 1 miserable indian chap in the State exco and who is incidentally not a Perakians we can immediately deduce 2 things from his protest.

1: Contrary to the PRU12 rakyat voting trend which vote across race this Buntong state rep is still living in the indian represent indian, malay represent malay, chinese represent chinese mentality. Like our comatose PM he is still unable to understand that at this point in time the rakyat want integrity, transparency and accountability from our people representative, from our government - the people have rejected race representation which have proven to be ineffective, which breeds corruption and created unnecessary friction among Malaysians.

2: He stand as a people representative not so much for the belief in serving the people nor does he share the DAP vision but more for his personal agenda - whatever it may be. Maybe I am just overly sensitive but the way he flip flop from suddenly crying to resign to not resigning is giving me a very bad impression of him as a people representative.

He should understand that whether a malay, chinese, indian, sikh, iban or muslim, christian, buddhist or a yogi is going to be in the state exco or be the MB is irrelevant SO LONG as that dude has integrity, accountability and is transparent in his / her dealings.

If the leadership of DAP can accept a PAS dude to be the MB that prove that they have accepted the people sentiment and have respected the people choice - why cant this Buntong Rep understand such glaring fact - that race representation is the least of the rakyat concern right now?

If you are a man of integrity and by the fact that the people have voted you - just do your job! If you think you only wanted to represent indians by all means join MIC or PPP or IPS or join the former anwar tennis partner new party. dei!!!

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