Tuesday, October 02, 2007

ACA wants to be respected, not feared?

According to a report in thestar paper: ACA wants to be respected, not feared..

Respect is earned not asked for. The ACA director when asked about comparing with ICAC has this to say:

Q: Would you like to see the ACA modelled after the much-feared ICAC in Hong Kong?

A: To say the ICAC in Hong Kong is feared and better is incorrect. In fact, they adopted our laws and learnt from us. We have a better track record than them in terms of prosecuting prominent figures and I also don’t think there is any other agency in this region that has taken action against top officials more than us. I rather make the ACA a respected agency than a feared one.

Sometimes I honestly think that the first prerequisite to be a government servant is to have a face as thick as the wall of china so that they are thick skinned enuf to claim to be the best in everything and at the same time spew incoherent mumble jumble to try to sound intelligent.

I mean, come on-la... you can say ICAC adopted Msian ACA laws and learnt from us but at the same time you "claim" ACA is better just because you prosecuted prominent figures?

Now this brings me back to Badawi statement of catching 18 big fishes...How many of the 18 big fish Badawi highlited when he became PM was investigated and prosecuted till date?

If we have a better track record how come in the 2007 Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index Hongkong is raked 14 and Malaysia 43?

Have your agency resolved some of the reports lodged by Citizen Nades? Ok. Maybe Citizen Nades report has been sitting in your office for so long you clerk is unable to find it yet... but what about this: Blow away the whistle-blower If what was reported is true, what do you intend to do with your errant staff?

Here's another interesting case which I hope to hear from you: SPECIAL REPORT: ACA whistleblower tells all. Remember the patriotic En Mohamad Ramli Abdul Manan?

Yes, the rakyat does have a very negative perception of your agency... why not do something positive by at least reopening the file of some of the report above?

Or are you just another all talk Director?

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