Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Something Rotten in our Men in Blue?

There is a chinese saying that goes like this: "Good man dont become a constable" ... i dont really know where this saying originates or whether it originates from Hongkong (because of the endemic corruption problem with their police force in the 70's) or China which has a long history of corruption till present day.

But essentially, as explained to me by someone the meaning of that saying is: good people especially people with integrity should not become a policeman because of the percieved impression that the force (whether HK, CN or here) is corrupt and that men in uniform tend to bully the group that is less prone to offer any resistance rather than doing their sworn duty to uphold law and order.

However, I always believe that in all organization there is a always the good and the bad. And in the case of Commercial Crime Investigation Department director Ramli Yusuff and his men implicated in the wrongful detention I hope, if they are really men of integrity who is just doing their duty according to the law that they will find inspiration in Serpico.

While the story of Serpico is different because Serpico chose to uphold his principle rather than buck under the pressure from his corrupted colleagues whereas CCID Director Ramli is actually acting against a self confessed crook, essentially the moral of the story is about doing the right thing because they were sworn to do so.

We have a Serpico (kind-of) in former ACA Sabah director Mohamad Ramli Mananwho spoke out and reported on his top boss...

But then Serpico is operating in an environment where they have judicial integrity and where the top cop - the Police Commissioner and the city Mayor is elected and vetted by the people and they have integrity in what they do - well at least, they listen to public sentiments.

so the question is, in my beloved country, do we have a judiciary which is impartial and is able to discharge their duties with integrity?

i wont ask the same of the PDRM (malaysia police force) because they have refused to implement the IPCMC despite a huge public outrage and time and again they have failed the public in terms of arresting the increasing crime rate.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

There is a sicko out there

yes. there is a real nut case, a pervert out there. and he/she has done this.

The family has suffered enuf. Why is the authorities concerned so careless and callous in handling individual private documents? If it is really pix of post mortem or pix taken by the police forensics i really hope the parents of the deceased would sue the department for divulging personal information and for being careless and callous.

The family has suffered enuf. And I am sure of this. Whatever religion that pervert practices or even if he is an agnos or an atheist - his/her time will come.

I dont mean to be spiteful. But I have two little girls myself and it pains me to hear of such cruel things happening to innocent child.

If there is really a God ( I am an agnos) out there. Please do something for a change?

Friday, October 05, 2007

Rais - Dress Decently!

Ministry to vet performers for decency - yeah...that's the headline in Malaysiakini. Our self appointed moral guardian holier than thou Culture and Arts Minister Rais Yatim has this to say: Foreign performers who want to perform in Msia - They have to dress decently... and behave in a manner appropriate in Malaysia," Rais said.

sir? helloooo? where you come from? mars?

jeeezzzz.... its really sickening to see all these so call minister (ugh*) out doing themselves..... please everyone, help me, help yourself - let's remove all this Neanderthals !!!!

ACA goes after PKR whistleblowers

The headlines in sun2surf Oct 4th 2007 and Malaysiakini Lingam tape: Name source or face jail just reinforce the public perception that the ACA is not partial and lack transparency in executing their duties.

I have a number of layman questions which I hope the new ACA Director can answer:

1: Why are they in a hurry to find out who the whistle-blower is? What purpose would it serve?
2: Can the ACA give any guarantee of protection to the whistle-blower if he/she step forward?
3: The ACA say that the Star (correct correct correct) in the recording is not contactable - given the seriousness of the case - i am pretty sure there must be a law that ACA can use to compel that person to report in no matter where they are?
4: Why wasnt the rest of the players implicated being questioned till date?
5: What is the purpose of the ACA investigation? Why are they only interviewing the people who submit information rather than the alleged law breaker?

4 days after the ACA Director gave the Star Paper interview ACA wants to be respected, not feared we are shown his inefficiency, toothlessness and ineffectiveness in handling major cases.

And he want ACA to be respected? not feared? I assure you sir, I fear the ACA, i fear the SB, as a matter of fact I fear all this sleuth type of set up.

But my fear of you is not the same of the fear I have when I work in Spore. I fear the Spore authority because I know if I am caught and found guilty the law will take its course.

I fear your agency sir because based on the current event your department has shown that you only investigate the people who come forward and you have no qualms in invoking any laws to make the people who come forward life difficult.

I fear your agency sir because I dont know your leanings - is the agency working for the people or for the PM office or for the highest bidder?

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

ACA wants to be respected, not feared?

According to a report in thestar paper: ACA wants to be respected, not feared..

Respect is earned not asked for. The ACA director when asked about comparing with ICAC has this to say:

Q: Would you like to see the ACA modelled after the much-feared ICAC in Hong Kong?

A: To say the ICAC in Hong Kong is feared and better is incorrect. In fact, they adopted our laws and learnt from us. We have a better track record than them in terms of prosecuting prominent figures and I also don’t think there is any other agency in this region that has taken action against top officials more than us. I rather make the ACA a respected agency than a feared one.

Sometimes I honestly think that the first prerequisite to be a government servant is to have a face as thick as the wall of china so that they are thick skinned enuf to claim to be the best in everything and at the same time spew incoherent mumble jumble to try to sound intelligent.

I mean, come on-la... you can say ICAC adopted Msian ACA laws and learnt from us but at the same time you "claim" ACA is better just because you prosecuted prominent figures?

Now this brings me back to Badawi statement of catching 18 big fishes...How many of the 18 big fish Badawi highlited when he became PM was investigated and prosecuted till date?

If we have a better track record how come in the 2007 Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index Hongkong is raked 14 and Malaysia 43?

Have your agency resolved some of the reports lodged by Citizen Nades? Ok. Maybe Citizen Nades report has been sitting in your office for so long you clerk is unable to find it yet... but what about this: Blow away the whistle-blower If what was reported is true, what do you intend to do with your errant staff?

Here's another interesting case which I hope to hear from you: SPECIAL REPORT: ACA whistleblower tells all. Remember the patriotic En Mohamad Ramli Abdul Manan?

Yes, the rakyat does have a very negative perception of your agency... why not do something positive by at least reopening the file of some of the report above?

Or are you just another all talk Director?

Tussle at luxury car importer

Tussle at luxury car importer gives investors glimpse of industry's opaque ways

An interesting read. Wonder since when our ACA is so super duper effective. Citizen Nades should give this Tan Sri N a call to see whether he did make an ACA report that got those dude off their air cond room out so quickly or maybe he should check with the new ACA Director on how to phrase a report to get them to act - at least first to clear his "coffin" case filed eons ago.