Tuesday, March 08, 2011

16.6mil summonses not paid yet

16.6mil summonses not paid yet

Am surprised to read in the starpaper that there's a whopping 17 Mil summonses given out - and not collected to-date. That is one hell of an IOU dude!

If the 17 Mil is straight forward summonses, meaning no one is going to contest the legality of it, then that is revenue for the government coffer dude. So, if the head honcho of both the JPJ and PDRM operates anything like a corporate entity they would have been sacked by the board long ago or they would have been declared bankrupt. Gone.

Imagine you telling your boss this.. eh boss - I have sold 17 Mil worth of products over the years and only today I realized I have not collected the monies. huh?

Funny thing is this JPJ Dude don't seemed to be bothered, embarrass or guilty about admitting to his agencies ineffectiveness.

Anyway, out of the 17 Mil how many of the summonses are issued by the Traffic Police and how many are issued by JPJ Officers? I am curious to know coz I seldom, if ever seen any JPJ guys doing their round at all! Have you?

Darn, JPJ guys is not even on hand to help ease traffic congestion and yet this dude from JPJ is coming out to say there are 17 Mil summonses to be collected? For the Traffic Cops or for JPJ? Or do you guys share the same budget?

Another thing I am curious about; what is the most committed offences? Which states, town or area? Which age group? What type of car? Unfortunately there are no breakdown provided by JPJ nor the Traffic Police. It seems like these people are clueless about analytic tools and I thought they have recently "upgraded" their systems - from WinNT 3.51 Server to Win2000 perhaps.

Talk is cheap and this is what our civil servants and politician excels in. Work? Hmm... And know what, the silence from the Traffic Cops are deafening!

I see more Traffic Cops than JPJ dudes on the road, well, sometimes it may be a wee bit difficult to spot these cops as they may be hiding lurking standing behind corners or trees, like a spider waiting for his next victims meal. But man, at least we have a glimpse of them. JPJ Dude? uh.uh..d hollow-man in uniform?

Lastly, try to figure out this statement:

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