Monday, March 10, 2008

Should Pak Lah Go?

Calls for Pak Lah to step down is on the rise.

But why and who is going to take over his place?

The rakyat was royally pissed with the government for their insensitivities, inaction towards corrupt officials, lack of transparency in projects tender etc just to name a few and that is why as Malaysian we have make out voices heard by denying BN their 2/3.

We have enough qualified opposition to watch over the BN goons now - why is the rush to remove Pak Lah?

The rakyat mandate has shown his ineffectiveness as the PM so it can be put to full use by the opposition to erode further his/BN grip on power until the next GE.

If Pak Lah goes - what can the next person who take over do differently? If that person is another megalomaniac autocratic person like our former PM then they will be endless

Let it be guys. Pak Lah is ineffective, arrogant and despite having big ears is not listening to the people but we got what we wanted and that is deny BN a 2/3 so that the BN goons will need to have second thoughts about building big mansions with one eye closed or using the rakyat money to support billion ringgit projects without transparency or accountability.

Dont go just yet.

1 comment:

Maverick SM said...

Pak Lah is facing a crisis in UMNO and Muhkriz had triggered the war.