Monday, March 31, 2008

Our Law Enforcer Hard At Work - At Last

Was doing some shopping near Ampang Point yesterday noon when I noticed a patrol car parked outside Ampang Point Macdonald - an officer is busy writing summons to the 6 or so cars park illegally at the non parking zone by the road side.

wow! hard at work. Good to have such hard working police around.

Ampang Point is notorious for its lack of parking space and more notoriously known for the spit in your face motorist who park any where and any how they like. you see cars on the kerb, breaking the side walk tiles, you see car parking under the Tow Sign, you see cars parking with its tail blocking half the already small road.... yeah, MPAJ and the Traffic Police should go there a tow all this road blocker and fire hazard cars away.

But having said that, is there a plan to create more parking lots? Say built a multi storey car park? Though I dislike all these fler who park everywhere - to be fair - there is really a very huge shortage of parking bays. Why isnt the MPAJ looking into this?

On my way out from the Ampang Point car park - the patrol car is still there.. I notice a couple more police officer in a different patrol car near Habib Jewelery - their "all-purpose" summon book in hand dishing out summons to cars - again park at illegal and non marked zone.

Right after I passed them there is another patrol car near the road side facing the Pizza Hut - issuing summons to cars park near the road side. These cars should be towed and the car owners given a heft hefty fine because they are parking at a small two vehicle lane, effectively blocking one lane and creating a mini jam!

Kudos to the traffic police for being so hard working!

However, I am a bit surprise to see 2 patrol cars in the same area doing the same thing. Dont each of the patrol car have their assigned area to cover? Why are they concentrated at Ampang Point?

This is not good job distribution, not efficient nor effective in crime patrol.

What is 2 patrol car doing at the same area?? Is there something more to it?

Thursday, March 27, 2008

City vs People of KL?

The web edition of the Sun reported that "City Hall plays vengeful politics" it says,

They claimed that two months before the elections, inspections by City Hall against hawkers and petty traders were lax.

"10 Opposition MPs claim that there has been a four-fold increase in snap inspections by City Hall officers, compared with two months before the elections," said Bukit Bintang MP Fong Kui Lun.

"After March 8, City Hall began to regularly summon hawkers for not having licences and confiscating their goods. In some parts of Kuala Lumpur, it has become a daily affair," he said.

He also pointed out that hawkers and petty traders in Kuala Lumpur are being victimised for petty offenses.

"The hawkers are being charged with small offences, like road obstruction with goods. As a result, their goods are all being confiscated." he said.

to which the City Hall reply,

City Hall director-general Datuk Salleh Yusup refuted the allegations, claiming the crackdown is part and parcel of City Hall enforcement.

"This is a regular and normal City Hall exercise. Enforcement is part of our job in managing KL. We want to keep KL clean, safe and tidy, and this is why we need to enforce the law," he said.

Well, the MP has said it - the hawkers plying their trade without licenses as well as having their goods which is obstructing the road being confiscated.

I mean, if the hawkers have not been following the law like having to have a license before they can trade why cant the authority concerned take action?

Maybe the question should be why DO the authority take action ONLY NOW and not before?

Have the authority suddenly discover that some of the hawkers are without licenses? It just dont make sense. The timing just dont make sense.

And as the City Hall is under the purview of the Federal Government it surely smells fishy... rotten fishy.

On the other hand, is there a problem with license application for the hawkers? Is there a problem with the existing law governing hawkers and eateries? Is the MP looking into this issues as well?

The City Hall DG says that "Enforcement is part of our job in managing KL. We want to keep KL clean, safe and tidy, and this is why we need to enforce the law," - well said.

Maybe, instead of picking on someone who is trying to earn a decent living working hard with their own capabilities, as compared to other individuals who are picked by political party and given a position, City Hall should also look into the paved side walk in the KL area - for safety sake.

Just take a stroll along Jln P. Ramlee from KLCC towards ShangriLa Hotel.

Notice how many obstacles you have to over come just to walk from one end to the other? There are the uneven tiles that you can trip over from, there are the broken tiles, there are the missing tiles, there are iron rod protruding from the ground, there are trees smack in the middle and yes the whole stress of the side walk is like a wave.. you can hardly find a flat area to walk on - and it is supposed to be a paved pedestrian side walk?

Talk about safe and tidy? come on-la....

Monday, March 10, 2008

Should Pak Lah Go?

Calls for Pak Lah to step down is on the rise.

But why and who is going to take over his place?

The rakyat was royally pissed with the government for their insensitivities, inaction towards corrupt officials, lack of transparency in projects tender etc just to name a few and that is why as Malaysian we have make out voices heard by denying BN their 2/3.

We have enough qualified opposition to watch over the BN goons now - why is the rush to remove Pak Lah?

The rakyat mandate has shown his ineffectiveness as the PM so it can be put to full use by the opposition to erode further his/BN grip on power until the next GE.

If Pak Lah goes - what can the next person who take over do differently? If that person is another megalomaniac autocratic person like our former PM then they will be endless

Let it be guys. Pak Lah is ineffective, arrogant and despite having big ears is not listening to the people but we got what we wanted and that is deny BN a 2/3 so that the BN goons will need to have second thoughts about building big mansions with one eye closed or using the rakyat money to support billion ringgit projects without transparency or accountability.

Dont go just yet.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Malaysia 12thGE

Malaysians have spoken and in the process make history. The opposition won 5 states and now common people like myself would like to see if we will indeed be better represented.

While I am not expecting a transformation I do hope the new group of people representative who won in this GE to be able to debate on repressive and archaic law and repeal it.

Dont know how they are going to do it but make our current system more transparent and accountable for their doings.

phew! Really ... the dawn of a new era...and I hope, unlike 2004 that we malaysians have really made the right decision this time round.