Saturday, July 14, 2007

Nat arrested? Or just invited for coffee?

i read about Nat being "invited" to Bukit Aman from his blog and then from polytikus

I am so distressed. angry. dissapointed. with all the rhetorics from the PM about "work with me" about asking the rakyat to work together to eradicate corruptions etc...

And on the same day that I read Jeff posting on Kofi Annan speech I quote from his site "Of course, protecting human rights and abiding by the rule of law is first and foremost a national responsibility," he said. "It is only when governments are grounded in the rule of law -- fairly and consistently applied -- that society can rest on a solid foundation."

WHAT is wrong with my beloved country? we have special forces killing and blowing up foreigners for only god knows why. We have high level minister being investigated for purported corruption, we have the top cop being accused of ties to the triads, we have allegations that a certain minister is using company funds to pay off personal debts, our crime level has reach such an extent that we need this public hearing on crime held by the Parliamentary Caucus on Human Rights and Good Governance --- all these issues are national issues as it affect our country integrity, it affects our livelihood, it affect our generations and the next, it affect our economy, it affects FDI and yet instead of focusing on resolving it and instead of rebuilding Malaysia reputation we have just added another black spot to our already tarnish repo in the international scene.

I hope the Ministry of Home Affair will do the right thing - release Nat. Now. or charge him and give him back his basic rights.
I also hope the Ministry of Home Affair will do the right thing by telling the police about Kofi Annan speech on "Responsibility to Protect".

Let's not waste the time of this former United Nations Secretary-General and a Nobel Peace Prize laureate effort for making his trip here.

Pray do the right thing, dear minister of the home affair who incidentally is also our PM wise this Khazanah Merdeka Series would be meaningless.

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