Thursday, September 25, 2008

Jokers and Clowns

In the sun2surf report today: Report lodged against Teresa Kok for insulting egg
and NGOs lodge report against Anwar .

I really wonder from which planet these thingumabob came from. Teresa Kok insulted the egg! the egg! Wow! big news! big deal!

But when the news of the late Mat Deros mansion with his many toilets built smack in the middle of low cost housing exploded in the news headline where were these dude who care so much for the poor people and the "egg"? why didint they make any police report? Is it becos now that Selangor is in the hands of the Pakatan cari makan is so tough for them that their previous prefer diet of big juicy mutton is reduced to eggs that they felt insulted?? Man... this people are really jokers..

And report about Anwar creating negative public perception about the government? Of course the present government is the best in their myopiac perspective... my advise is - go-la read the corruption perception index. no need for me to elaborate - if these guys are literate they can find lots of articles on the abuses of the present goverment.. for a start try reading the Auditor General report... that is "if" they know how to read and understand...jeez... so freaking pathetic....

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Abolish ISA Forum

I attended the Abolish ISA Forum last nite held at the KL Assembly Chinese Assembly Hall.

Speakers are:
* Teresa Kok, Selangor State Exco
* Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan, Bar Council President
* Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh, Chairman of Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI)
* Lim Guan Eng, Penang Chief Minister
* Khalid Samad, MP Shah Alam
* Nurul Izzah Anwar, MP Lembah Pantai
* A. Sivanesan, ADUN Sungkai

RPK wife, Marina and wife of another ISA detainee was there and they also spoke. I am really moved when I listen to them speaks for they are really brave to be able to face such adversity on their own. We can only provide moral support - but daily they have to endure the heartbreak of not being able to be with their loved one.

Datuk Ambiga quoted an article where Pak Lah has stated that two Malaysians currently detained at Guantanamo must be given a Fair Trial while in another report on the website Badawi also say that and I quote "What's important is that we want the Malaysians to get justice" .... well, from all this posturing from the PM it seems like Fair Trial and Justice is applicable anywhere in the world BUT Malaysia.

Was our ISA detainees given a Fair Trial? Do they get Justice?

All the learned panelist have pointed out the Malaysia has enough law to safeguard our nation, our people - so do we still need to live in the past by employing DRACONIAN law that serve only the ruling few????

Datuk Ambiga said that based on the feedback from Teresa that she was held in a badly ventilated six-by-eight-feet cell and RPK claims that he was interrogated every hour it can be technically categorise as Torture which is in-human to say the least... and our PM is advocating about Justice and Fair Trial to other countries in the international arena - how come no one ask him to look into his own backyard? what a bloody hyprocite.

Anyway, that reminds me of another forum I attended at the same vicinity where Tony Pua show some pictures of a man with bruises all over his face supposedly given by the cops who is interrogating and forcing the poor man to confess that he is a robber. I wonder what happens to that case since it was highligthed in some local papers.

The most interesting talk of the evening is YB Lim - he thundered - the State government has rights over land and the Perak government should mull over the possibility of reclaiming the land at Kamunting and built low cost houses there calling it Taman Bahagia of Kamunting! Bravo! i hope the plan materialize - if the law actually permits. No more torture center in the Pakatan States!

but if it materialize I hope YB would not actually use Tmn Bahagia as we already have a Hospital Bahagia in Ipoh - and that hospital caters only to people with mental problem...

Khalid from PAS gave a real tight slap to that racist bigot in seberang prai...oh... how i admire him (Khalid) as a Malaysian, despite our different religious leaning. Khalid came across as a real Malaysian with a heart for the disadvantage and a sincerity in fairness and compared him to some of the taliban like religious zealots UMNO wanabes who cant look beyond their big fat oily nose he is like an enlightened religious being.

Nurul is good and is able to articulate her point well but sometimes she sound quite condescending ... like a teacher talking to a student...

not much comment on the rest of the panelist except that some actually shouted into the mike which blurred their words... and btw, most forums or ceramahs i attended have a tendency to use sub quality sound system.. sometimes the base is so high you just hear sound hitting your ears and sometimes it is so shrill the sound is piercing thru... wonder why...

anyway, ISA / Emergency Ordinance Act = cruel. barbaric. must repeal. abolish.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Was attending an IT function with the attendance of a minister when one of the key speakers who is talking about innovation put up a slide about none other than Leapfrogging to make his point! muhaha...of course he is oblivious to the current talk in the blogsphere pertain "katak-ing" but man.. i just couldnt help but chuckle out loud... anyway the description of leapfrogging from the wikis is so true ! not only from a technology stand point but from all perspective!

here is the description from wikipedia:
Leapfrogging is a theory of development in which developing countries may accelerate development by skipping inferior, less efficient, more expensive or more polluting technologies and industries and move directly to more advanced ones.

An aim of leapfrogging technologies is to promote greater access to resources and other technologies, to those people who would normally not have access.

There are a few ways that leapfrogging can occur, some of which are accidentally .....