Friday, May 02, 2008

No More Live Telecast in Parliament?

If PM AAB has his way then we will see the end of live parliamentary live telecast very soon - according to this Star Paper report: "PM: Cancel telecast in Dewan Rakyat"

He says that he is ashamed when ordinary people see what is happening in the Dewan and say that words like ‘Big Foot’ and ‘Big Monkey’ should not be used in the August house.”

My! Just listen to this dude.. where was he when some Opposition MP was called animal? and where was he when one retard MP call another bodoh bodoh bodoh and where was he when sexist remarks like the shorter the skirts the better or bocor every month was make previously?

And he think being called Big Foot or Big Monkey is not nice?

But then of course our PM has the distinct nickname of the sleeping or dozing PM - doesnt he? So it is no surprise to see him suddenly rose from his slumber just in time to catch those two words being hurled around the "august house"...

but isnt it lame to give such an excuse to discontinue a service to the rakyat? or is these BN blokes (the PM and his Infor Minister and whoever else is involved) suffering from acute inferiority complex that they cant stand to be scrutinized by the people who voted them in?

And I would like to ask Mr PM this. If you think the MPs have no decorum why did you pick them? On the other hand, if you think Opposition MPs have no decorum then isnt it good tactically for RTM (read: the BN Government) to telecast it live to show the rakyat how uncivilized there are?

Come on. Please. Please. Please.

Dont go back to the same mumbo jumble toxic spew of protecting the interest of the rakyat as if the Rakyat are ignoramuses like some of your Neanderthal era MP.

If your bunch of BN MPs are capable of holding intellectual debate and not degenerating into a shouting match of name calling then what is there to be afraid of in live telecasting the session?

You are their boss - just pull them into your room and have a word with them-la.

If you dont know what to do then here is some suggestion from me:

1: buy them books especially on the final point of debates. Make them read it and give them a test every week to ensure they understand.
2: recruit some boys and girls from our local university debates club to give them a free lesson on how not to degenerate into name calling when debating and how to focus on the issue on hand when debating.
3: join a toast master club - do a search on the internet for the nearest location.
4: send them to an EQ class so that they dont get so personal, affront and emotionally work up when issues are raised. they really have to differentiate between their quarrels with their wives/husband as against holding an intellectual discussion with fellow MPs.
5: Since you think that your MPs are all posturing for the camera please give them this old adage attributed to the great Abe Lincoln -'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt."