Thursday, April 12, 2007

Don’t question Pak Lah’s battle against graft

I am getting real sick and tired of this Nazri character which is so typcial of the majority of our clueless MPs.

A report in Malaysiakini headline "Don’t question Pak Lah’s battle against graft"( 10 April 2007 subscriptions required) - Nazri says "“We hope everyone, including the opposition front, do not use graft issues against the government as this will only strengthen the wrong perceptions others have on our country,” - “It will also affect the flow of foreign investors to our country,” he added.

What do you think of statement like this?

Makes you want to cry - at his naivety? - that as long as an issue is not discuss, swept under the carpet and it is blue skies everything nice?

Yeah, come to think of it - that has always been the way the government operates even during TDM time. If it is not in the local paper headline then it is not an issue. Yeah, corruption never happens "if" everyone dont talk about it, "if" the local paper didnt write about and "if" all our MPs never discuss it in parliament. How dandy..

So instead of "close one eye" Nazri is essentially suggesting that everyone should close both eyes and shut up as well...

sure and your kind can close all your eyes and shut the f* up for all I care because after all I dont understand moron speaks but you sure cant compel the rakyats to be as irresponsible as you guys are. And if you think by not talking about it can increase the government standing in the TI Corruption Perception Index or that tomorrow FDI will start flowing in again then it is about time you sign up for a communication course 101 to understand what it responsbile communications means.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Wage War on Crime

"Wage war on crime" so the Star Paper headline scream.

"Taking the cue from the Prime Minister, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan said the police would go all out to stop those involved in gangsterism in Sarawak, even if "influential" people were involved. "

Yes gangsterism in Sarawak but why only focus there?

What about those "licensed" gangster in KL?

- Toll Hike Protest
- Bloody Sunday

What is the difference between this "licensed" gangster and the so call HK link gangster?

Wonder .. wonder